A Time of Giving and Celebration: Experience the Best this Holiday Season

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” The exciting time of the year is fast approaching. As we gear up for the festive season, it also gives us the opportunity to reflect on the previous year and reminds us of the importance of giving. At Airways, this season is not only about celebrating the successes that come with hard work but also the time to give back to the community. It’s been a part of our company’s tradition to help other people in any way we can and contributing to charities nurture this norm. One of the charities we’ve been supporting since 2005 is the Handmaids of our Lord Congregation. It was founded by Archbishop Alain de Boismenu, MSC on April 8, 1918 in Port Leon Yule Island Papua New Guinea (headquarters of the French Missionaries of the Sacred Heart). Its vision is to nurture humanity to acquire solidarity of families and to share the compassionate love of God to all. At present, there are 29 Sisters in the congregation and still growing as several young women are showing interest in joining their devotion. It is being led by Sr. Cecily Daot who is also celebrating her jubilee year in service on November 19, 2022. Part of their missions are promoting the glory of God, dedicating their lives to religious service, and engaging in various ministries not only in Papua New Guinea but, even in other countries that require their assistance. Being self-funded, the congregation tackles several significant challenges as well hence, they require people’s support and generosity to sustain them in fulfilling their advocacy.
Every donation will definitely make a life-changing difference to them and to the people they help. For those who wish to contribute, you may get in touch on the below details.

Sr. Elizabeth Tumana, AD
71758261 I 75666371 I 72567018

From all of us at Airways Hotel & Residences, we wish everyone a meaningful and happy festive season.


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